Far Infrared Systems | Sciencetech Inc.

Far Infrared Systems (THz)

FTIR Terahertz Spectrometer

The SPS-300 Fourier Transform Spectrometer

Operates in the far infrared or THz spectral region

The SPS-300/SPS-400 is Sciencetech’s latest modular polarizing Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS), designed specifically to operate in the far infrared or THz spectral region (operating at wavelengths from 5μm to 5000μm, 0.06 to 60 THz or 2cm-1 to 2000cm-1). Standard FTS and FTIR systems are based on the Michelson configuration; however, the SPS-300/SPS-400 can also function using the Martin-Puplett configuration, which provides polarization division for a significantly wider band pass when measuring normal transmissions, and has improved signal to noise for circular and linear dichroism measurements.

The modularity of the SPS-300/SPS-400 allows a higher degree of versatility when compared to other similar systems. Our internal source, external input and dual output ports enable the user to configure the SPS-300/SPS-400 as a far-infrared/THz light source spectral analyzer (by attaching an external bolometer detector) or as a materials transmission and reflectance spectrometer (with an external light source, a sample chamber and detector).

The SPS-300/SPS-400 also comes with both a 125mm wire grid polarizing beam splitter and a Mylar beam splitter. The grid polarizer beam splitter allows the user to operate in polarizing Martin-Puplett mode, covering a wider range than the standard Michelson mode which uses the Mylar beam splitter.

Sciencetech SPS-300 Fourier Transform Spectrometer

SCIENCETECH has built a reputation on custom solutions. Whether you need a small modification to an existing system or a completely novel design built from the ground up to meet your technical specifications, Sciencetech's engineering and optical design teams are ready to help.

Full Sky View - Sciencetech

Far-Infrared and terahertz (THz) radiation is the spectral region at the long wavelength end of the infrared and the short end of the microwave region, also known as the sub-millimeter wavelength spectral region. Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in THz applications as the radiation generated can penetrate various materials. THz light is commonly used in materials science, security, pharmaceutical com- pound analysis, biomedical imaging, superconducting materials, astronomy, and particle physics research.

Spectrum - Sciencetech

Sciencetech is a pioneer in THz spectroscopy, having supplied its SPS-200 Far Infrared FTIR for over 10 years to the sub-millimeter wavelength research communities in astronomy and particle physics. Recently Sciencetech has upgraded its SPS-200 into the superior commercial grade SPS-300/SPS-400 THz spectral analyzer and spectrometer. The European Space Agency, which used the SPS-300 to calibrate the detectors for its Planck/Herschel Mission to analyze the origins of the universe, deserve our thanks for their support in making this possible.

Modular design for use as far-infrared, THz spectral analyzer or materials spectrometer
Dual polarizing Martin-Puplett and Michelson interferometer configurations, depending on beam splitter used
Supports external third party light sources and detectors
Supports external custom designed sample chambers
Standard precision step and integrate mode
Large 100mm gold coated optics
Wide 2~2000cm-1 (5µm - 5mm) spectral range
0.12cm - 1 resolution for standard model with 50mm stage
0.02cm - 1 for high resolution model with 300mm stage upgrade
Vacuum sealed housing supplied with 5" O.D. ports and flanges to operate in High Vacuum and Ultra High Vacuum
Industry’s finest 4µm Mylar grid beam splitter for polarizing Mode
Stainless steel vacuum rated housing
Motorized roof mirror alignment system
Mylar beam splitter for Michelson mode operation
75W ultra quiet Hg arc lamp source
Servo motor chopper
A wire grid polarizing beam splitter for polarizing Martin-Puplett mode. (An input polarizer and either a rotating or fixed position analyzer are also required for Martin-Puplett mode)
Vacuum gauge
Host PC with SPS control software
Arc lamp power supply and igniter
Software - Sciencetech

A PC with flat screen monitor is supplied as the host computer with the SPS-300/SPS-400 control software fully installed and operational. A copy of the software is also provided on CD. The SPS-300/SPS-400 control software is a LabView based application that operates on a Windows PC. An executable version of the software is supplied so the user does not require the LabView development environment. Although Sciencetech only supports the Windows version of the SPS-300/SPS-400 control software, a Mac-OS version is also available through a third party vendor.

Users may add application specific LabView virtual instruments (VI’s) without recompiling the SPS-300/SPS-400 software. This is useful for experiment automation where scanning operation needs to be integrated with external features (sample chambers, light sources, temperature controllers, magnetic field sweeps, etc.)

"Step and Scan” operation
Data acquisition and automatic log-keeper
Print Selected Data
Multitasking for simultaneous scan and analysis
Phase correction by Mertz-Forman method
Apodizations: Bessel, boxcar, cosine, triangular
Digital filtering of the rapid scan signal
Add, subtract, normalize, multiply (interfero grams / spectra)
Average and standard deviation (interferograms / spectra)
Fitting of data by user-specified functions: functions are analytically specified and new functions are automatically saved on the hard drive for easy retrieval
Fast Scan Mode: display of interferogram, spectrum and the relative sigma of the spectrum
Step and Integrate Mode: display of interfero gram and contents of lock-in amplifier buffer
Display of spectra, interferograms, ratios, fit results and other data
Data stored in ASCII format text files for easy importation into other data analysis software

A PC with flat screen monitor is supplied as the host computer with the SPS-300/SPS-400 control software fully installed and operational. A copy of the software is also provided on CD. The SPS-300/SPS-400 control software is a LabView based application that operates on a Windows PC. An executable version of the software is supplied so the user does not require the LabView development environment. Although Sciencetech only supports the Windows version of the SPS-300/SPS-400 control software, a Mac-OS version is also available through a third party vendor.

Users may add application specific LabView virtual instruments (VI’s) without recompiling the SPS-300/SPS-400 software. This is useful for experiment automation where scanning operation needs to be integrated with external features (sample chambers, light sources, temperature controllers, magnetic field sweeps, etc.)

Depending on selected components, the SPS-300 can be configured in two ways:

Spectral Analyzer Configuration - Sciencetech

Spectral Analyzer Configuration

The SPS-300/SPS-400 is used as a spectral analyzer by mounting an external THz light source at the external input port, and an external THz detector at the condensing beam output port.

Sciencetech provides multiple detector options: a room temperature pyro-electric detector, a room temperature DTGS detector, and a helium cooled bolometer. A user can also choose to attach a third party detector to the output port.

Transmission/Reflection Spectrometer Configuration - Sciencetech

Transmission/Reflection Spectrometer Configuration

The SPS-300/SPS-400 is used as a materials transmission/reflectance spectrometer by mounting an external sample chamber at the collimated beam output port and an external THz detector at the sample chamber detector output port.

For example, the SPS403 sample chamber and detector allows both transmission and reflectance measurements. The source is the broadband Hg arc lamp inside to the SPS-300/SPS-400 body.

As well, other types of broadband THz sources such as a globar or Gunn oscillator can be mated to the external input light port. Please note that the SPS-300/SPS-400 base system does not include these additions.

In polarizing mode operation, the SPS-300/SPS-400 can also be used for transmission, circular dichroism, and linear dichroism investigations with a good signal-to-noise ratio. The measurement of vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) below ~600 cm-1 is a modern experimental challenge.

Polarization-division interferometry is considered to be the most efficient approach for these measurements. A crucial component for successful applications of this interferometry is the beam splitter that divides the incoming beam according to polarization.

The Sciencetech large area FIR grid polarizers consisting of metallic lines deposited on a mylar substrate are effective beam splitters for the 500cm-1~ 2.0 cm-1 frequency range.

The SPS-300/SPS-400 Spectral Range (both Standard and High Resolution Models) is 2 to 2000cm-1 (5µm to 5mm or 60GHz to 60 THz). Although the SPS-300/SPS-400 optics can cover a spectral range from 2 to 2000cm-1, the practical range is generally limited by the source and detector combination used. For example, the 2cm-1 low wavenumber spectral range cutoff can only be obtained with a high powered source such as that of a synchrotron entering through the external light source port and a 1.7K helium cooled bolometer detector. Using the internal Hg arc lamp provided, the low wavenumber spectral range cutoff is limited to approximately 4cm-1 using the bolometer. This low wavenumber cutoff increases to about 8cm-1 with a 4K helium cooled bolometer and the internal Hg arc lamp.

At the high wavenumber end, the grid spacing of the polarizer is the limiting factor. Since Sciencetech uses a close pitch 4µm grid polarizer, compared to other polarizers of 12.5µm or 25µm pitch, the SPS-300/SPS-400 is capable of reaching 2000cm-1 if the detector and source allow. More commonly the cutoff is closer to 1000cm-1.

Standard: 0.12cm-1 with 5cm translation stage

High: 0.020cm-1 with 30cm translation stage

The resolution quoted for the SPS-300/SPS-400 is not the theoretical limit as determined by the length of the roof mirror translating stage, quoted by some manufacturers. Abrupt stopping of data collection at the ends of the interferogram produces oscillations in the Fourier transformed spectrum (that look like “feet” at the sides of strong lines). Sciencetech uses an “apodization” function which multiplies the interferogram by a factor that goes to zero smoothly at the scan ends - but this degrades the resolution somewhat. Although there are several alternatives, we quote the resolution for Bessel apodization, which is degraded by 1.904 from the theoretical limit. In general, resolution is given by:

Resolution = A / (2 * 2 * 0.8 * L) [cm-1]

where L = stage length [cm] , A = Apodization factor
0.80 is the zero path location factor (zero is 20% from the translation stage end position)

Four different apodizations can be selected on the SPS-300/SPS-400 software, each with its own factor affecting the resolution:

Bessel: A = 1.904
Boxcar: A = 1.207
Cosine: A = 2.000
Triangular: A = 1.772

The recommended apodization for the very far infrared and THz domains is the Bessel function.

Optics Large 100mm beam optics coated for maximum infrared reflection, Fast f / 2.35 off-axis paraboloid condensers for high light throughput, 90° ± 3” roof mirrors, Martin-Puplett optical configuration.
Body Stainless steel housing capable of maintaining 10-3 Torr.
Source Internal 75W Hg arc lamp (water cooled) with external DC stabilized power supply and igniter.
Polarizer Beam Splitter 2μm lines with 4μm pitch aluminum on Mylar substrate.
Controls Motorized alignment for roof mirror (tilt, rotary shear, lateral shear) to fine tune interference at the beam splitter.
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The most powerful TeraHertz FTIR available in the mid and far IR Range, the SPS-300 is our second generation Martin-Puplett/Michelson Interferometer designed and built at Sciencetech's own facilities in London, Canada. With a wide variety of optional upgrades and components to suit any research application, the SPS-300 has been successfully used in Material Research, Biomedical, Medical, Astronomy, Aerospace, Superconductivity, Security, Defense and a wide range of other fields by distinguished customers including the European Space Agency (ESA), the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), the Max Planck Institute, the Argonne National Labs, The Canadian National Research Council, the Brookhaven National Lab, L'Institute d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and many universities the world over.

The instrument is designed for research applications and therefore features special hardware and software designed to allow the use of samples under many different research environments (High Vacuum, High & Low Temperature, High & low Pressures, High Magnetic fields, etc...) and conduct sensitive and fast "Rapid Scans" with the mirror moving continuously as the detector collects data. Sciencetech also supports the researchers with the design and manufacturing of custom made coupling devices and sophisticated sample chambers to meet specific needs.

Please contact your authorized Sciencetech technical sales representative to discuss how we can build a FTIR designed for your technical specifications.
The most powerful TeraHertz FTIR available in the mid and far IR Range, the SPS-300 is our second generation Martin-Puplett/Michelson Interferometer designed and built at Sciencetech's own facilities in London, Canada. With a wide variety of optional upgrades and components to suit any research application, the SPS-300 has been successfully used in Material Research, Biomedical, Medical, Astronomy, Aerospace, Superconductivity, Security, Defense and a wide range of other fields by distinguished customers including the European Space Agency (ESA), the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), the Max Planck Institute, the Argonne National Labs, The Canadian National Research Council, the Brookhaven National Lab, L'Institute d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and many universities the world over.

The instrument is designed for research applications and therefore features special hardware and software designed to allow the use of samples under many different research environments (High Vacuum, High & Low Temperature, High & low Pressures, High Magnetic fields, etc...) and conduct sensitive and fast "Rapid Scans" with the mirror moving continuously as the detector collects data. Sciencetech also supports the researchers with the design and manufacturing of custom made coupling devices and sophisticated sample chambers to meet specific needs.

Please contact your authorized Sciencetech technical sales representative to discuss how we can build a FTIR designed for your technical specifications.
143,610.00 143610.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

This option includes all the components necessary to reach micro-Torr vacuum, including gauges, ports, valves, and both a roughing and turbo pump.
If only milli-Torr levels of vacuum are needed, please purchase the "SPS 300 Standard Vacuum Operation" upgrade instead.
This option includes all the components necessary to reach micro-Torr vacuum, including gauges, ports, valves, and both a roughing and turbo pump.
If only milli-Torr levels of vacuum are needed, please purchase the "SPS 300 Standard Vacuum Operation" upgrade instead.
36,500.00 36500.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

The standard SPS-300 has a 50mm translating stage, wich can provide resolution up to 0.12 wavenumbers. The high resolution upgrade option extends the translating stage to 300mm, allowing the SPS-300 to achieve a resolution of 0.020 wavenumbers. Due to the increased stage length, an extension to the vacuum-sealed body is needed to accommodate the extra distance.
The standard SPS-300 has a 50mm translating stage, wich can provide resolution up to 0.12 wavenumbers. The high resolution upgrade option extends the translating stage to 300mm, allowing the SPS-300 to achieve a resolution of 0.020 wavenumbers. Due to the increased stage length, an extension to the vacuum-sealed body is needed to accommodate the extra distance.
25,559.00 25559.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

This includes all the necessary parts for vacuum operation including seals, valves, gauges, and port covers, as well as a roughing pump capable of reaching mTorr vacuum. The SPS-300 itself is capable of maintaining higher levels of vacuum operation, but requires a turbo pump in order to reach those levels of vacuum.
For higher vacuum operation (up to micro-Torr applications), please purchase the "SPS 300 Ultra-High Vacuum Operation" upgrade instead, as it includes all items listed here in addition to a turbo pump.
This includes all the necessary parts for vacuum operation including seals, valves, gauges, and port covers, as well as a roughing pump capable of reaching mTorr vacuum. The SPS-300 itself is capable of maintaining higher levels of vacuum operation, but requires a turbo pump in order to reach those levels of vacuum.
For higher vacuum operation (up to micro-Torr applications), please purchase the "SPS 300 Ultra-High Vacuum Operation" upgrade instead, as it includes all items listed here in addition to a turbo pump.
22,340.00 22340.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 5" (12.5cm) diameter, and is the largest standard size of the IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger or smaller sizes, or for a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 5" (12.5cm) diameter, and is the largest standard size of the IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger or smaller sizes, or for a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
13,165.00 13165.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

This option allows the SPS-300 to use both output ports simultaneously. The internal mirror that directs the parallel beam to the converging output is replaced by a large beam splitter which sends half the radiation to the converging output, and the other half to the parallel output.

Please discuss any questions you have regarding the beam splitter, or operating two detectors simultaneously, with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff.
This option allows the SPS-300 to use both output ports simultaneously. The internal mirror that directs the parallel beam to the converging output is replaced by a large beam splitter which sends half the radiation to the converging output, and the other half to the parallel output.

Please discuss any questions you have regarding the beam splitter, or operating two detectors simultaneously, with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff.
11,176.00 11176.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 4" (10cm) diameter, and is the second largest size of the IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger or smaller sizes, or for a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 4" (10cm) diameter, and is the second largest size of the IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger or smaller sizes, or for a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
10,530.00 10530.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 3" (7.5cm) diameter, and is the middle size of the IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger or smaller sizes, or for a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 3" (7.5cm) diameter, and is the middle size of the IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger or smaller sizes, or for a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
8,425.00 8425.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 2" (5cm) diameter, and is one of the smallest IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger sizes or a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
Sciencetech manufactures grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 2" (5cm) diameter, and is one of the smallest IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger sizes or a full list of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
6,740.00 6740.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

The optional external light source port upgrade provides both a motorized turning mirror and the flange for the input port so that users can couple external light sources (e.g. glowbar, Gunn diode, synchrotron) into the SPS-300. The motorized mirror switches inputs between the SPS-300 internal mercury lamp and external light source. Additional optics and chambers may be required to focus the external light source into the SPS-300.
The optional external light source port upgrade provides both a motorized turning mirror and the flange for the input port so that users can couple external light sources (e.g. glowbar, Gunn diode, synchrotron) into the SPS-300. The motorized mirror switches inputs between the SPS-300 internal mercury lamp and external light source. Additional optics and chambers may be required to focus the external light source into the SPS-300.
5,615.00 5615.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

This grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 1" (2.5cm) diameter, and is the smallest IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger sizes or a full set of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
This grid polarizing beam-splitters for use in the far-infrared and terahertz spectral regions. These beamsplitters divide the incoming beam according to its polarization. The beam-splitter consist of very fine parallel aluminum lines spaced 4 µm apart on a thin mylar substrate. It has the widest spectral range with a higher frequency cut-off than that of other polarizers that work in the near-millimeter wavelength range.
This particular model is 1" (2.5cm) diameter, and is the smallest IR beam-splitter polarizer Sciencetech offers. For larger sizes or a full set of technical specifications, please speak with your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
4,334.00 4334.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America
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